
Showing posts from August, 2021

Couch Potatoes

A  r ecent research has shown that many young people worldwide are opting for internet-related jobs. This includes jobs like influencing, digital marketing, or remote jobs. They argued this generation is lazy and would rather spend a whole day surfing on the internet than working. This research must have been carried out by African parents, who think the internet is a waste of time, part of which is true even though the internet has not failed to prove itself useful. Parents are mad because this is that one thing, they have failed to control. They are jealous our life is much better and full of fun compared to their 80s. They seem to not accept that you can learn about what is happening in Iran without watching Aljazeera. Have you tried watching world Today? You will get depressed; all they talk about is which western country should host Afghan immigrants. Sharing people like a bunch of bananas. Imagine listening to that for two hours, sick. This is why the youth prefer T

Carry it under your armpit...

 I hate interviews, I know you do too, that is why you will keep reading. I chanced to attend one this week, the job required fifteen candidates but they shortlisted a whole bunch of forty penniless undergraduates, did I mention that it was supposed to be a one-day job. It was my first formal interview, not that I have not been to interviews, but the previous ones did not require much effort just dressing up well and forcing a smile, you bet I can do that effortlessly.  This one was different, and after facing the interviewing panel I realized I had underestimated the job for being a single-day task. On your interview day make sure you arrive early at the venue, what if they were looking for timekeepers or bell ringers (I know nobody is looking for bell ringers. It’s just a phrase I have used so pass. Out here your troubles keep you awake), and you know what they say about early birds, they catch the largest worms. Carry all your original documents, anything to prove that you