Couch Potatoes

A  r ecent research has shown that many young people worldwide are opting for internet-related jobs. This includes jobs like influencing, digital marketing, or remote jobs. They argued this generation is lazy and would rather spend a whole day surfing on the internet than working. This research must have been carried out by African parents, who think the internet is a waste of time, part of which is true even though the internet has not failed to prove itself useful. Parents are mad because this is that one thing, they have failed to control. They are jealous our life is much better and full of fun compared to their 80s. They seem to not accept that you can learn about what is happening in Iran without watching Aljazeera. Have you tried watching world Today? You will get depressed; all they talk about is which western country should host Afghan immigrants. Sharing people like a bunch of bananas. Imagine listening to that for two hours, sick. This is why the youth prefer T

Happy Mother's Day

 To mothers who see we are happy at the expense of their own happiness.

What makes Mother’s Day more special is how it unites us; everybody can relate to it because a mom was or still is present in their lives.

Mothers are a lot of things in one person, skilled in so many courses.

If you think motherhood is a walk in the path, try babysitting a one-year-old, if you won’t have killed them by evening, congratulations! You qualify to become a mother.

Why say one-year-old, those spoiled brats have just managed walking for at least two meters without falling, they think everything is about walking and touching, they walk the whole day except for the occasional five seconds they fall asleep.

Forget about the pricks, they will not ruin Mother’s Day for us, back to celebrating ...

When somebody mentions a mother, all these crosses our minds;

Second gods

‘Maitu witu dikamuita ritwa, na dikamutengura, dimwitaga kioni wa nyoneire Ngai wakwa wa keri’ (my mother, I will never call her by name, I will call her a vision you saw for me, my second God.) Forgive my poor Greek translation but it must be something close to that.


They make a baby from just sperm and ova, the zygote grows to become a baby, nine months of eating for two, peeing for two, discomfort, and craving for cooked watermelons, I can hear you saying disgusting, but she ate for you, nine months later a bouncy baby whatever was born, that is YOU.



Mothers have remedies for everything disease, water, sugar and salt for stomachache, after you overate at a wedding you sneaked to attend, hot mwiko for tonsils, don’t ask me how it is done.

 Not forgetting how they detect when their daughters are two minutes pregnant.


She sees that the fruits of her womb get every opportunity, every grace, at the expense of her own.

Am getting emotional…. are you?


Your number one fan will always be your mother, she never leaves even when you fail, she encourages you even when others are not.

She always stands by you even when nobody else can.

Come what may she will always be there.


For this, we will need a whole day because, weuh! At some point your mom killed you, you would get whipped for not talking, another whipping for talking, you can never understand what she really wants.

Without her beating you would be so crooked by now, you should be grateful you received the strokes or slaps or slippers or mwikos or belts or whatever it was that she used, cups, plates, she used anything available.

Prayer warrior

Your mother’s prayers keep you alive and succeeding, you probably do not pray, you sinner!

Maybe the only reason God spares you is that he does not want to heartbreak your mother.

Have you ever accidentally heard your mom praying for you? If you have not, please do not wish to, that prayer sticks in your head and makes you feel guilty.

Mama’s list is endless, we would go on and on….

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers! For Mothers who have left us, keep resting well.






  1. Happy mothers day to all mothers out there. Respect!

  2. This is good, keep writing.


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