Couch Potatoes

A  r ecent research has shown that many young people worldwide are opting for internet-related jobs. This includes jobs like influencing, digital marketing, or remote jobs. They argued this generation is lazy and would rather spend a whole day surfing on the internet than working. This research must have been carried out by African parents, who think the internet is a waste of time, part of which is true even though the internet has not failed to prove itself useful. Parents are mad because this is that one thing, they have failed to control. They are jealous our life is much better and full of fun compared to their 80s. They seem to not accept that you can learn about what is happening in Iran without watching Aljazeera. Have you tried watching world Today? You will get depressed; all they talk about is which western country should host Afghan immigrants. Sharing people like a bunch of bananas. Imagine listening to that for two hours, sick. This is why the youth pref...

 Ladies Spare Our Grandfathers

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Cases of old men dying after escapades of hot sex with young women have been surfacing our news sources recently.

 You are all acting like death is funny without realizing that your children if you will have any might have no experience of what it feels like to have an old creepy white-haired man only to be told is your grandfather, now you realize how tragic this is? Of course, it should be heart-rending.

This should not be news; who don’t remember how these lasses paraded their methuselahs on weekends in the clubs. Uh. Good old days.

 we should be grateful to covid19 because we would have lost many of them.

These lasses would hold the best spots in clubs, the VIPs and their tables flooded the best; the very expensive drinks from Black labels to Hennessy to Moet, how do I even know them? Go ahead think whatever you want.

Back pains you hear these oldies complain about some are not as a result of old age, they are from aggressive dancing on the dance floors.

 Imagine a wrinkled, shrunken and toothless 70-year-old man dancing to a Oddie wa Murang’a tune. What follows is a fundraiser to fly him to India for a back spine transplant… doctors this is not for you.

Partying like an 18-year-old forgetting that only one kidney is functioning, ladies next time you out with our grandfathers remind them to take their high blood pressure dosage also don’t expect them to perform like your idle boyfriend who has spent the last two years in the gym.

 Go easy on them.





















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