Couch Potatoes

A  r ecent research has shown that many young people worldwide are opting for internet-related jobs. This includes jobs like influencing, digital marketing, or remote jobs. They argued this generation is lazy and would rather spend a whole day surfing on the internet than working. This research must have been carried out by African parents, who think the internet is a waste of time, part of which is true even though the internet has not failed to prove itself useful. Parents are mad because this is that one thing, they have failed to control. They are jealous our life is much better and full of fun compared to their 80s. They seem to not accept that you can learn about what is happening in Iran without watching Aljazeera. Have you tried watching world Today? You will get depressed; all they talk about is which western country should host Afghan immigrants. Sharing people like a bunch of bananas. Imagine listening to that for two hours, sick. This is why the youth pref...

Beauty Quagmire

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A lady who used gorilla glue as hair spray substitute has drawn a lot of attention after her hair stuck on her head. She had to seek medical attention, just a tip of the iceberg, women are capable of a lot more when it comes to beauty.

The glue which is used to stick glasses and other building materials, you can imagine how permanent that hairstyle is, she should be grateful no need to spend on hair, but again women are women and probably that hairstyle didn’t please her 10minutes later, regrettably, she could not change it.

 Lesson learnt read products usage before use!

The things women do for beauty are ridiculous some are considered perilous. Visit YouTube, that tutorial on how to reduce belly fat in two hours attracts a hundred billion views in just ten seconds as if that is even possible only to find that you supposed to eat eucalyptus leaves, then find women running helter skelter in stalls looking for leaves.

Women are easily deceived into buying anything that will make them look better, physical appearance matters most, from their hair to face to nails to hips to legs, generally, every miniature detail: that is why beauty products manufacturers are winning, start a beauty product that is helping women shape their tongue and tomorrow the demand will be ten times your supply.

With pictures painted how a contemporary woman ought to look like the weight to meet the standards is evident. Weight has become the most popular, women are expected to have hour glass figures and the depths they go to achieve are absurd.

They have now enrolled in gyms while others look for shortcuts, we have a lot of tutorials showing how you should skip meals, drink crocodile tears, the latest invented is ‘suck tummy in, apply gorilla glue and there you go permanent solution for a flat tummy.’

You will meet a woman dark today and tomorrow they resemble Rihanna, some say that morning urine is very good for the skin don’t act surprised when you find your woman collecting morning urine, not for pregnancy test but facial routine, by the way it works wonders.

Hips booster business is thriving, fake butts everywhere; how they agree to go through surgery only to have breast firmed shows how we focusing on the wrong things, you go ahead to say how girls with a bigger butt got more opportunities than girls with many papers. Sick.

These procedures are not only costly but also risky, those who can’t afford suffer self-esteem and confidence issues.

 Looking good is no crime but that should not be what we teach our girls. Every girl should be comfortable in their in their own skin.














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